Baby Jaya | Wollongong Newborn Photography | Fresh 48 Photos

Gosh I love babies. I think I may love them that little bit more now that I'm pretty much done with having them myself! I get to gush over them and then get my 8 hours sleep at night - winning!

I photograph newborns differently to most. Instead of bringing your baby to my non-existant studio and wrapping it in props and timing it perfectly between 1-2 weeks get a few options. You can either get photos done in-hospital (sometimes called a fresh 48 or I like to call welcoming babe session) or in the period following at home. 

Don't get me wrong - I think newborn studio photographers are incredibly skilled and I could never achieve what they do! They are amazing! But I do think there are a lot of people out there who want to perhaps capture the unique-ness of not only their baby but their family, their story. And in a way that is hopefully non-stressful, as you can feed, change, bath your baby as you would normally and I am just there to capture it. 

Kelsey and Hayden gave me the absolute privilege of letting me come in to hospital when sweet Jaya wasn't even 48 hours old and document those super crazy, tiring, fragile, fleeting moments. Thanks so much guys!

*NB I am SUPER keen to catch some beautiful births this year! Please share/tag/mention to anyone who may be having a baby this year and is keen to have some beautiful, non intrusive, non awkward birth photography done at a portfolio building rate!