The twin life | Southern Highlands Newborn Documentary Photography |

Em and Greg are parents to a sweet boy who is a toddler, and TWIN baby girls. I don't really have to say anything else do I? Em won the BabyMac Photoshoot earlier in the year because at the time I have ONE baby - and could not fathom how you do it with two! And toddler to boot!

These guys? Managed to shatter all my illusions about twins being similar, and seriously do parenthood fabulously. I could not believe how relaxed they were (or pretended to be!) with these three babes. One twin is constantly in the crook of an arm, while the other takes a tiny nap and before long its time for a swap. In between toddler snacks and nappies. 

My aim in this session (and all my family sessions) is to show parents that what they are doing is worth it. That all the little details matter. And to give them a set of images, a story, that will hopefully in 5 years take them straight back to that moment in time.

It was truly an honour to be allowed into your little space Em and Greg and capture your sweet family for you. I so look forward to seeing those unique little people grow, and know they will so well loved by you guys. 

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